Questionnaire Response - Data Export
Questionnaire Response
Generated by the Bulk Data Export system
An individual's response to a given questionnaire in the context of a diagnostic report. This is the same as a response to the whole invitation, which can include multiple assessments.
The Filtering Start Date and End date is based on patient session target date.
Property | Name | Field Type | Cardinality | Notes |
id | Id | identifier | 1..1 | |
subjectId | Subject Id | identifier | 1..1 | |
sourceType | Source Type | enum | 1..1 | patient | practitioner | relatedPerson| |
sourceId | Source Id | identifier | 1..1 | |
diagnosticReportId | Diagnostic Report Id | identifier | 1..1 | |
status | Status | enum | 1..1 | report_viewed | complete | feedback_complete | scheduled | awaiting_assessment | assessment_in_progress | feedback_available | report_previewed | report_viewed | canceled | new | noshow | closed |
authored | Authored | timestamp | 0..1 | When the response was completed |
dateEmailed | Date Emailed | timestamp | 0..1 | |
takingTimeSeconds | Taking Time (seconds) | integer | 0..1 | |
takingMetadata | Taking Metadata | json | 0..1 | |
date_begun | Date Begun | timestamp | 0..1 | When the assessment began |
date_completed | Date Completed | timestamp | 0..1 | When the assessment was completed |