Questionnaire Response - Data Export

Questionnaire Response

Generated by the Bulk Data Export system

An individual's response to a given questionnaire in the context of a diagnostic report. This is the same as a response to the whole invitation, which can include multiple assessments.

The Filtering Start Date and End date is based on patient session target date.

Property Name Field Type Cardinality Notes
id Id identifier 1..1
subjectId Subject Id identifier 1..1
sourceType Source Type enum 1..1 patient | practitioner | relatedPerson|
sourceId Source Id identifier 1..1
diagnosticReportId Diagnostic Report Id identifier 1..1
status Status enum 1..1 report_viewed | complete | feedback_complete | scheduled | awaiting_assessment | assessment_in_progress | feedback_available | report_previewed | report_viewed | canceled | new | noshow | closed
authored Authored timestamp 0..1 When the response was completed
dateEmailed Date Emailed timestamp 0..1
takingTimeSeconds Taking Time (seconds) integer 0..1
takingMetadata Taking Metadata json 0..1
date_begun Date Begun timestamp 0..1 When the assessment began
date_completed Date Completed timestamp 0..1 When the assessment was completed