Observation - Data Export


Generated by the Bulk Data Export system

Observations represent scores and data derived from individual questionnaires and answers. I.e. as assessment. E.g. the total score on a PHQ9 assessment.

Property Name Field Type Cardinality Notes
id Id identifier 1..1
subectId Subject Id identifier 1..1
diagnosticReportId Diagnostic Report Id identifier 1..1
performerType Performer Type enum 1..1 patient | practitioner | relatedPerson
performerId Performer Id identifier 1..1 The Id of a Patient, Practitioner, or a Related Person
value Value string 0..1
questionnaireId Questionnaire Id identifier 1..1
domain Domain enum 1..1 complexity | normed | severity | average | interpreted | composite | raw | patientAdjustment
population Population Mnemonic string 0..1 Human readable name for population normed on
validity Validity enum 1..1 invalid | valid | not_applicable | not_administered

Domain Values and Descriptions

Domain Description
complexity Internal Mirah scorer type for showing subject complexity
normed Based on normative data for a population
severity Internal Mirah scorer type for showing subject severity
average Currently only used as part of goals scoring
interpreted A categorical score with no numerical meaning
composite Combined of many other data, currently used by the CAMS
raw Raw score value
patientAdjustment Used to set the per-patient adjustment on the CAMS