Viewing a Patient's Measures Protocol

Please note that, for some organizations using Mirah, measures protocols are automatically created and cannot be edited by providers. Your organization’s preferences regarding measures protocols and their administration will be covered in training. 

1. To view a patient’s measures protocol, first navigate from the dashboard to the patient’s Detail page by finding the patient’s name and clicking “Detail.”

2. Once on the Details page, click “Measurement Protocol” to edit and view the patient’s measures protocol. You can also view a summary of measures that have been administered in past sessions and are scheduled to be administered in future sessions by scrolling down on the Detail page.

3. From the Measures Protocol page, you can add and remove measures, view the most recent clinical report, and find further information about active measures by clicking the downward arrow to the right of the listed measure.

If this is blank, please work with a superuser to create a Measurement Protocol.

4. To view additional measurement protocols, click the "View Advanced Protocol Settings" to view additional specific measurement protocols that have been manually assigned to this patient.