Collaborative Care - Minutes Not Counting - Troubleshooting Guide

In some cases, it may appear that minutes logged on a task for an enrolled patient are not being fully counted.

Tasks are composed of time entry logs (TELs), which record the individual segments of minutes care managers perform against a given task. These TELs must occur after an enrollment consent date, and before an enrollment discharge date to be billable.

Tasks are often created before an enrollment is performed. None of the minutes before the consent date are counted.

    1. Consent date can be moved before the task creation date.
    2. The TELs can be moved to be past the consent date.

In addition, the Mirah platform will not count minutes that overlap for the following use cases:

  • For the same task, regardless of who the provider was
  • For the same provider, regardless of which tasks were performed

When TELs overlap, the TEL with the earliest starting date gets credit for the overlapped minutes.

Mirah recommends to use the task timer and log tasks in real time to prevent these issues.

If you still have questions about this, please send an email to with a link to the patient you are referring to.