How to Generate a Clinical Note on the EFR

When taking notes on a certain patient/case, there is a feature in Mirah that allows you to write down notes in the platform itself in the Enhanced Feedback Report (EFR) to help keep all information in one place. The following steps detail how to create these notes in Mirah.

How to Generate the Note in Mirah

  1. On the EFR screen, there will be an orange button with three white lines at the top-right of the screen. Click on this button.

  1. Once you click this button, a dropdown menu will appear. The first option will have a black pencil icon with the words "Generate Clinical Note" next to it. Click on this option to generate the note.

  1. You will now be able to view the clinical notes written for that patient. If you have the proper authorization in Mirah, you will be able to edit the information already within the note and be able to write your own notes.