Outcomes Framework - Entitites
Each metric in the system can be targeted at an entity. An entity is any major object in the system. It includes:
- The entire organization
- Subunits in the organization
- Individual providers
By default, all metrics target the entire organization. In general, it is useful to have at least some top-level metrics, but there may be occasions where more targeted metrics are appropriate:
- An acute stabilization unit will have very different goals and outcomes than an organization doing longer-term psychotherapy. Each organization should be judged according to appropriate standards.
- There may be occasions where some organizations are subject to additional reporting requirements not required by the rest of the organization.
You can always change the entity that you are looking at by selecting the ‘Entity’ select:
You can type in the box to find the exact entity you are looking for.
Entities are primarily used in the Outcomes Statistics. Find our more about it here.