Collaborative Care - Time Entry Log - Data Export

Generated by the Bulk Data Export system

A time entry log represents time spent by a provider on a task. There may be multiple time entry logs, by multiple providers, on a single task.

Column Name Format Nullable Description Notes
id ID uuid false The Mirah internal identifier
taskId Task Id uuid false The id of the task this time entry is associated with
billableMinutes Billable Minutes integer false The number of minutes for this task expected to be billable, i.e. not overlapping with another task for the provider and not being clerical in nature It is possible for only some of the minutes spent to be billable - for example if the provider has another task overlapping in time.
duration Duration interval true Uses Will be null if the entry has not been completed.
startTime Start Time DateTime false The date time when the time tracking for this log started
endTime End Time DateTime true The date time when the time tracking for this log ended
providerId Provider Id uuid false The id of the provider billing the time