Collaborative Care - Monthly Documentation of Time and Tasks

Monthly Documentation of Time and Tasks for CoCM 

This workflow is designed to support end of the month documentation of all tracked minutes for a given patient in a way that can be easily copied into the client’s record in the EHR. 

First, navigate to the patient for whom you are creating documentation.  Once on the patient’s page, look on the right half of the page for the Tasks box.  Click on the orange “Filters” button. 

You will now see additional fields in the Tasks box. This field will automatically default to the current month until the filters are changed.  Select the month for which you are documenting using the Year and Month field. 

Then click on the Copy Monthly Tasks Summary button in the bottom left hand corner. This will copy all tasks with more than 0 minutes for the selected month onto the clipboard.  You may then paste the Monthly Tasks Summary directly into the patient’s chart in the EHR.  

The text copied into the EHR** will look something like the following (may vary slightly in your EHR):

You may always format or edit the text once it is in the EHR before finalizing your documentation.

**Please note, this text does contain PHI (the patient's full name will be included), so please be cautious with where this information is pasted.