Collaborative Care - How to enroll and intake a patient
Patient enrollment includes confirming consent has been received from the patient and/or caregiver and selecting a measurement bundle for the patient.
Patient intake includes engaging a prospective CoCM patient and taking the initial set of measures.
Navigating to an unenrolled patient’s record
There are two easy ways to identify a patient who is not enrolled:
- On the patient search page, patients who are not enrolled in collaborative care will have “Unenrolled” badge in the Status column
- On the patient details page, patients who are not enrolled in collaborative care will have an “Unenrolled” badge in place of the status badge. Only unenrolled patients will have the “Enroll” button enabled to start the enrollment workflow
How to enroll a patient in CoCM
Patient enrollment includes the process of bringing a new patient into the CoCM treatment model which includes referral, performing intake, and initiating CoCM services.
*Note - Before enrolling a patient, it is useful to add related people to the patient’s profile (parents, caregivers, teachers) in order to facilitate the intake process.
- Click the “Enroll” button on the patient’s record
- Before any collaborative care activities can be done for a patient, consent from the patient (or the patient’s caregiver) should be collected.
*Note - Mirah and the CoCM app does not collect the consent or store the records of consent having been collected. Instead, this screen asks the user to confirm that consent has been collected already following your organization’s standard policies/procedures.
- Confirm consent has been collected for the patient
- Populate the patient’s primary care provider
- Populate the date consent was obtained from the patient under "Consent Date" which defaults to the current date and time.
- *Make sure this date is accurate. Any tasks and time created for a patient before enrollment will not be included in the billing report.
- Populate the date treatment is starting under "Enrollment Date". This will be used to calculate target minutes per month, elapsed treatment time, etc.
- Click “Confirm & Continue Enrollment”
If you have Panels for your patient population enabled, you will see this screen for enrollment and need to populate a few more fields when filling out the consent details. A panel must be setup with providers before they can be assigned to patients
- Confirm consent has been collected for the patient
- Populate the panel the patient's care will be under
- Populate the patient’s primary care provider in the panel
- Populate the patient's primary care manager in the panel
- Populate the date consent was obtained from the patient under "Consent Date" which defaults to the current date and time
- Make sure this date is accurate. Any tasks and time created for a patient before enrollment will not be included in the billing report.
- Populate the date treatment is starting under "Enrollment Date". This will be used to calculate target minutes per month, elapsed treatment time, etc
- Click “Confirm & Continue Enrollment”
On the next screen, you can enter additional information before completing enrollment:
- Select initial measurement bundles for the patient
- Click the “Complete Enrollment” button
Complete patient intake for CoCM
The application automatically starts time tracking for a new task called “Enrollment and Intake”. This task is meant to cover anything that might happen during the intake process, like talking to the patient or caregivers. You can expand this task to enter additional information in the “Note” field.
From here, the user can either immediately continue administering the intake scales by clicking on “Continue with Intake” or close the dialog by clicking on “Finish”. If they close the dialog, they can come back to the intake scales workflow at any time using the “Finish Intake” button, which is now enabled on the patient record.
- Click on the “Continue with Intake” button
- The next screen lists the surveys included in the measurement bundles you selected during enrollment. You have the option to “Administer Now” and complete the survey in person with the patient and related people (if applicable), or to “Send Email/Text” to the patient and related people (if applicable) for them to take the survey at a later time.
- If administering now, select the surveys you would like to administer now, then click “Save”.
- You will be directed to the next screen with a button to “Administer X survey(s)” (X = number of surveys to administer for the person). Click on the “Administer X Survey(s)” button
- A new window will open with the survey questions. Populate the answers, then click “Save” or “Save & View Report”
- Once you have saved the survey answers, navigate back to the intake screen. Click on the “Check Complete” button to confirm the surveys have been administered.
- Once you have checked the survey answers are complete, click the “Finish Intake” button
- If sending email/text, select the surveys you would like to send, then click “Save”. You will get a confirmation with details on which surveys were sent to each recipient. Click “Finish Intake” to complete the intake process.
- You will have one more opportunity to add tasks to the patient's record. Once you have confirmed / added any additional tasks, click " Finish".
Make sure to update the Enrollment and Intake task appropriately, as this task timer will still be in progress until you “Save Progress” or “Complete” the task
Editing a Care Team after Enrollment
This feature is only available for customers with the Panels feature enabled. If you're interested in enabling Panels, please contact support.
Once a patient is enrolled with a panel, you can see the panel and care team in the Patient Info card here:
The "Edit" button next to the panel will let you edit the whole care team:
The "Primary Care Provider" and "Care Manager" fields will only let you select providers who are serving that function on the selected panel. To change which providers are on which panel, see How to Create and Edit Panels. Selecting a different panel here will let you select from that panel's PCPs and care managers:
Once you hit save, the changes will be reflected on the Patient Info card: