Collaborative Care - How to use the Monthly Billing Report

What is the Monthly Billing Report?

The Monthly Billing Report can be used to review billable patients for a given month, as well as additional information about those patients.

How to access and use the Monthly Billing Report

  1. On the top right of the application, click on your institute name. Click on “Monthly Billing Report”
  2. You will see an option to select the Year and Month to generate the corresponding billing report. *Note - this will default to the current month and year
    1. click on the calendar icon
    2. Select the Year (which will reload the table)
    3. Select the Month (which will reload the table)
    4. Alternative click on the triangle by the Month Date to toggle between selecting a year or the month
  3. You can export this report as a .csv document by clicking on “Export”. *Note - this report contains PHI - please follow necessary steps to secure any PHI downloaded from Mirah

Billing Report Columns

Patient Legal Name First & Last name of the patient
MRN Medical Record Number Mirah has for this patient (either configured in an EHR integration, or manually entered in patient creation)
DOB date of birth
Billable Minutes total number of minutes tracked for this patient after the enrollment date
PCP Primary Care Provider assigned to this patient on enrollment
PCP NPI Primary Care Provider's NPI (either configured in an EHR integration or manual user creation)
CM Care Manager assigned to this patient
Enrolled On Enrollment Date for active episode of care
#of Enrolled Billed Months Current count of calendar months a patient has been in the program. Example: If a patient enrolls on the 31st, that month counts as month 1, and the next day as month 2.
Assessment Completed true if a patient has completed a validated measurement for this calendar month
Billing Month which billing month this row applies to