Collaborative Care - How to create a custom task

Your organization will have a list of predefined task templates that can be used to create new tasks.  However, you can also create a new custom task from either the Dashboard or the patient’s record for a specific patient's treatment.

How to create a custom task from the Dashboard:

  1. Log into Mirah - you should automatically land on the “Dashboard” tab.
  2. Click the “New Task” button next to “My Tasks”, then click "Custom"
  3. Follow the steps below to create a custom task

How to create a custom task from the Patient detail page:

  1. Navigate to the patient’s detail page
  2. Under the patient’s demographic information, you will see several buttons. Click on the “New Task” button, then click "Custom"
  3. Follow the steps below to create a custom task

Creating a custom task:

  1. Select the “Custom” option. *Note - there are predefined tasks that can be selected
  2. Fill out the task information. Fields in bold are required to save the task
    1. Title - short description of the task
    2. Body - detailed information about the task
    3. Patient - the patient this task is related to. *Note - this will be pre-populated when creating a task from the patient’s detail page
    4. Due Date - due date for the task. *Note - the default due date is the next day at 5pm
  3. Save the task by using one of the following options
    1. “Save & Begin” - Creates the task record and begins the task timer. This should be used if you are going to immediately start working on the task after task creation
    2. “Save” - Create the task record to be worked on at a later time