Flat File Integrations - Caregivers
File Name
When sending the file to the server it should be named using the following format: "relatedpersons_{timestamp}.csv"
Which Data
We suggest sending data for all instances where we have a patient with a caregiver.
Data Fields
NOTE: Please follow all field name and note formats, including case sensitivity.
Item | Field name | Format | Req’d | Notes |
Caregiver ID | identifiers | string | Y | Unique ID for the Caregiver |
Patient ID | patientID | string | Y |
This should be a guaranteed-unique identifier for the patient in your EHR that is associated with the caregiver
Active? | active | boolean | Y |
One of the following: true; false
Given Name | givenName | string | Y |
This should be the name that caregivers will be addressed by in the Mirah system (so this may be an amalgam of first name and ‘preferred name’)
Family Name | familyName | string | Y | |
string | n |
This is required if email assessments are planned to be sent for this caregiver
phone | phone | string | n |
E.g. (617) 5551212 See http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-E.123-200102-I/e for more complex cases. This is required if text messages are planned to be sent. If possible, send only cell phone numbers
Relationship | relationship | string | y |
One of the following: guardian; teacher; mother; father; child