How to Reset a Related Person's Password
If a related person is not able to log in to complete assessments, you can reset the related person's password by following the below instructions.
1. Go to the Detail Page of the client who's caregiver is not able to log in and click "Edit related people"
2. Click "Reset Password" for the related person who cannot log in.
3. Take note of the username and provided temporary password. You will need to send this information to the caregiver. Click "Finish" once you are ready and you will be returned to the client Detail Page.
4. Email the caregiver the username and temporary password. When the caregiver clicks on the assessment link this window will pop up to fill out the username and temporary password you provided:
5. Once the caregiver enters the username and temporary password, a window will pop up prompting the caregiver to reset their password:
6. Once the caregiver updates the password and clicks "Change Password" they will be able to begin the assessment.