Flat File Integrations - Episodes of Care
File Name
When sending the file to the server it should be named using the following format: "episodesofcare_{timestamp}.csv"
Which Data
We suggest sending data for all episodes of care
Data Fields
NOTE: Please follow all field name and note formats, including case sensitivity.
Item | Field name | Format | Req’d | Notes |
identifiers | identifiers | Identity | Y | See id format |
mrn | mrn | string | Y | MRN of the patient this care episode belongs to |
Start date | periodStart | FHIR dateTime | Y | |
End date | periodEnd | FHIR dateTime | N | Blank if the episode of care has not yet been discharged |
Care team members | careTeamIds | String (with commas delimiting ids) | N | Provider ids in the care team for this care episode |
Organization | organizationId | string | Y | The organization to which this episode of care belongs |
Status | status | planned | waitlist | active | onhold | finished | cancelled | entered-in-error | Y | See https://www.hl7.org/fhir/episodeofcare-definitions.html#EpisodeOfCare.statusHistory.status |
42 CFR Part II status | coveredBy42CfrPart2 | yes/no | N | Valid “yes” values are “1”, “y”, “yes” and “true”. Valid “no” values are “0”, “n”,”no” and “false”. |
- If one of the care team members from an episode of care are not in the list of providers in this file, Mirah will not be able to process any of the providers for the episode of care, and they will not appear as expected.