Flat File Integrations - Providers

File Name

When sending the file to the server it should be named using the following format: "providers_{timestamp}.csv"

Which Data

We suggest sending data for all providers

Data Fields

NOTE: Please follow all field name and note formats, including case sensitivity.

Item Field name Format Req’d Notes
identifiers identifiers Identity Y See id format
given name givenName string Y
family name familyName string Y
email email string Y
prefix prefix string N E.g. “Dr”
suffix suffix string N E.g. “MD”
Organization ids organizationIds String (with commas delimiting ids) N E.g. org1,org2
SSO Username ssoUsername string N Only used if single sign on is available
Default Provider Role defaultProviderRole string N https://www.hl7.org/fhir/valueset-practitioner-role.html
NPI Number npiNumber string N
DEA Number deaNumber string N

Additional Notes

When a new user is added to a provider flat file and no organization Id's are added to the corresponding user, the user will automatically be added to all root level organizations (the top of each brand in the organization hierarchy).

In addition, the Organization Id field is only additive - that means any new organizations included in the file will be added to the corresponding user, but no organizations will be removed from the user in Mirah. 


  • If one of the providers from an episode of care are not in the list of providers in this file, Mirah will not be able to process any of the providers for the episode of care, and they will not appear as expected.